Friday, August 03, 2012

war on drugs in...Lebanon

The US goes around the world forcing governments to adopt is silly "war on drugs".  I mean, leave people alone if they want to cultivate drugs and enjoy drugs.  Why does the puritanical Christian kooky morality of recent US administrations have to be imposed on other countries? Those policies result (as in Latin America) in bombing of formers and in impoverishment of farmers.  The US went to Lebanon and through pressures and bribery forced the Lebanese government--yet again--to burn hashishah fields in the Biqa`.  This happened a few times before: the US embassy provided the farmers with seeds for potatoes--KID YOU NOT--after a period, they went back to hashish.  A book should be written on the harms and destruction around the world that is caused by the US war on drugs.  (By the way, in Lebanon, it is known that Hashish farmers rarely use Hashish themselves: they provided it to those in other countries who really enjoy them).