Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Syria's Freedom Fighters"

I see on the cover of World Policy Journal (summer 2012 issue) a story titled:  "Syria's Freedom Fighters".  You read it and it is a story about Syrian refugees in Turkey by somebody I never heard of (it says a writer, presumably American, based in Turkey).  It made me wonder: if Western reporters are really keen about refugees, how come the Palestinians have languished in refugee camps for decades without generating this emotional and effusive coverage in the Western press.  The article is hilarious in that it uses the propaganda language that is essential in writing about Syria these days.  The author says: "When Assad [why not three Ss while you are at it] falls, as he must..." (p. 67).  Can you imagine a Western correspondent ever writing such a sentence about say Israel or even Saudi Arabia?  As in: "when the Saudi king falls, as he must", or "when Israel collapses, as it must", etc.  But wait, while the author is emotional about the pet gangs of the FSA, she is also a fan of the Turkish government. She says this about repression of Kurds in Turkey: "Turkey has long struggled with its Kurdish population" (p. 60-61).  Her treatment of Turkey's role in the "Arab spring" is a good read over drinks or hashshish. Highly recommended.