Friday, August 10, 2012

NBC covers Syria

Abdallah sent me this: 
"I open MSN news and found this headline with a picture of frightened women and children:
(screenshot attached)
Clicking the link lead me to this short 2min MSNBC clip:
A frightened woman is translated saying "this is Russia and China's fault. May God punish them."
Very odd. Doesn't strike me as the first thing a refugee fleeing sectarian violence would say.
*Also, if I'm not mistaken, I've seen "Hussan Darwish" (and his son) in the ABC clip I mentioned yesterday (which I'm trying to locate). He's quoted saying "It's a sectarian war. Bashar al-Assad attacks anything Sunni."
The crux of Richard Engel's report is that the regime is specifically targetting Sunnis and that "it's a claim backed by dozens of witnesses" (1:30-2).
There's another clip on Syria titled "Al Qaeda fighters infiltrate Syria"
Now, officially, these sources (ABC, NBC, etc) aren't state-controlled or "official". They do come off as such and the reporting is much too "coincidentally" aligned with state policy objectives.
Engle says the foreign fighters are "waiting to help the fighters from the rebels in Aleppo who are by now almost completely out of ammunition." What a phrase... "almost completely out of ammunition".
Here's Engel again:
"rebel leaders we have spoken to are worried that Al Qaeda is trying to piggy back off the Syrian war and could bring a foreign agenda. In fact, some rebel leaders said they would even welcome American help to eliminate Al Qaeda from Syria. Other rebel leader, however, say that Al Qaeda fighters are welcome as long as they focus on fighting Bashar Al-Assad...."
Hmmm. "piggy back off the Syrian war"  "could bring a foreign agenda" Sounds familiar.
Also, notice that their are two camps introduced: one in favor of Al Qaeda and one firmly against (and needing American aid). I think they've started introducing this nuance (a quality they're not known for) particularly, again, in case things go wrong with their friends. The bad guys won out, the situation is "out of control", we must intervene now."