Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mr. Damien Cave: the new Middle East expert at the Times

Akram sent me this:
"If you're a Rolling Stones expert, you dare to say, in politics (medicine, fine arts or physics), the first thing that comes to your mind without any fear that you look like an idiot; after all, it's not what you're good at.

In his thorough analysis of the criminal tactics embraced by the Syrian army in his war against the armed group, Mr. Cave concludes the following:

It is an effort that experts describe as the opposite of the “winning hearts and minds” model, based instead on the Arabic saying “rule is based on awe.”

Of course, Mr. Rolling Stone (or his "experts") hasn't bothered himself in gooling for some "brilliant" examples of the US "winning hearts and minds" model, especially in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Needless to say that there is no Arabic saying in that meaning (rule is based on awe) or even close and that "ruling by awe" is a trademark that should be awarded to the US.

Please don't laugh.... he's not an expert of the subject".

PS Of course, there is no such saying in Arabic, unless Mr. Cave think that Machiavelli is an Arab, which is a possibility given his ignorance especially that his favorite expert on Syria and Arab affairs is a right-wing Lebanese nut, who recently said that his flat tire was a conspiracy against him by the Iranian-Syrian-Hizbullah axis.  I am not making this up.