Lebanon has deported Syrians who have criminal records to Syria. I am opposed to deporting any Syrian to Syria at this point. Yet, I was kind of nauseated reading about the outrages from US and French governments, and from the leader of 75% of 5% of the Lebanese population Walid Jumblat. US and France deport thousands of people daily: they even deport people who face cruel punishments back to their own countries. Malaysia deported a poor Saudi student who offended the religions Wahhabi establishment in Saudi Arabia by one of his tweets back to Saudi Arabia--a country that beheads and chop off limbs. There was not one word of protest from any of the Western governments that prostrate before any barrel of oil. As for Walid Jumblat: he forgot that we remember that he admitted on TV that the surrendered some of the "wanted" men of his OWN PARTY to the Syrian regime (like Abu Haytham). I have had enough of those fake outrages this months.