Thursday, August 23, 2012

Arab-American prostrators at the White House

The Barry Obama administration allowed a group of Arab-Americans to enter their premises.  The proud token and obedient Arabs (they are proud for being token and for being obedient) were picked on obedience and on their political cowardice toward Zionism, or for their actual Zionism in the case of the Dahlan-Fayyad TaskForce on Palestine.  They were led by the historically opportunist James Zogby, who posed as leftist in the past before becoming a profitable propagandist for the House of Nahyan in UAE.  I am not sure what the purpose of the meeting was because the three organizations selected (the two mentioned and the right-wing Lebanese taskforce for subservience) don't have a problem with US policies while one of them would like US policies to be more pro-Israel than ever.  What is funny is that the three groups are seen by Arab-Americans as totally irrelevant, and for that they were rewarded by the meeting.  But what would those groups seek?  The Dahlan-Fayyad Taskforce on Palestine is to the right of Democratic Zionists in Washington, DC and its leaders celebrate Israel's "independence" day with representatives of Netanyahu?  The Zogby guy (who I had urged years ago in a telephone call to him to make a fool of himself all he wants but not in the name of Arab-Americans) was the one who told the press in 1993 that Martin Indyk represents the aspirations of the Arab people because he secured a job for Zogby's son.  The Lebanese Taskforce is a right-wing association of wealthy people who receive orders from a dumb son of a dumb Lebanese wealthy guy (`Isam Faris--who was a lackey of the Syrian regime for years when he entered politics while his son in the US was funding George W. Bush campaigns).  But the scene must be hilarious.  I bet the Arab visitors volunteered to shine the shoes of every Zionist in the room.  But hey: Joe Biden stopped by and greeted them, and euphoria was reported in the room.  Just one question to you all: do you think that there is one young Arab-American in the US who look at those folks as his/her representatives?   Those people speak for Arab-Americans as much as Todd Akin speaks for American women.