Wednesday, August 15, 2012

And now a word from Mr. Bull

First Mr. Bull wants more weapons to pour on Syria:  "But Syria is not awash with weapons..."  He is not satisfied with the number of Syrians dead and would like more weapons so that more Syrians will die.  But then Mr. Bull promises--very much like neo-con promises in 2003 about Iraq--this:  "serve as a model for nonsectarian coexistence."  But hey.  Please don't mock, Mr. Bull.  He used one Arabic word in the article.  If this does not impress you, nothing will.  Thanks for the advice Mr. Bull.

PS: Don't you like it how suddenly every commentator on Syria in the West who is shedding crocodile tears about its people has transformed himself into a military expert, like Mr. Bull:  "Providing the rebels with as few as 500 Stinger missiles and 1,000 tank-busting R.P.G.-7’s could potentially cut the conflict’s length in half."  But Mr. Bull does not say why 500 Stinger missiles would do the job and not 534?  I heard that 534 is really the magic number.  (thanks Electronic Ali)