Thursday, August 16, 2012

American officials support kidnappings

"American officials said Wednesday that they had obtained credible information that at least some of the 48 Iranians captured in Damascus this month by Syrian rebels were members of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, not the pilgrims described by the government in Tehran."  First, notice they said "some".  2) but there were scores of kidnappings of Iranians and Lebanese before by the FSA and US officials never confirmed that they were fighters for IRG or for Hizbullah, so they support those kidnappings too?  3) Does the US government now believe that foreign military personnel that are allies of oppressive regimes (like Saudi Arabia or Israel) are legitimate targets for kidnappings? We need to know what the official US stance is.  4) I saw yesterday the faces of few of the hostages and they clearly were much older to be in IRGs.