Saturday, August 18, 2012


The standards of House of Saud media are rather funny.  Take its politically sleazy news station, Al-Arabiyyah, and its website.  They report "news" of defections and when they don't materialize they basically remove the story.  For the last two days, they reported on the defection of Faruq Ash-Shar`.  Today, they kept the story despite denials and then they changed the story into: conflicting accounts of the defection of Ash-Shar`.  They then report on the defection of `Abdullah Al-Ahmar (a longtime Ba`th functionary). 

PS The station of King Fahd's brother-in-law later interviewed Michel Kilu to discuss the defection.  He said: I don't know whether he defected or not but he was not in agreement with the method of the regime's handling of the uprising early on.