Saturday, July 14, 2012

The insights of Andrew Tabler

"“The Assad regime is losing control of its territory,” Mr. Tabler said. “You don’t move this stuff unless you have to, and they obviously felt they had to move it.”"  You know, I always mocked how US media are often quoting this "expert" (a recovering Syrian Ba`thist and life long Zionist) but only today, I realized that he is up to something. I mean, look at the deep thought and sharp analysis in this statement.  The regime moves this stuff when it felt it needed to move this stuff.  What an insight.  I mean, this man should be teaching Middle East studies on college campuses.  I in fact read and was most impressed with the intelligence of the speaker: I mean, even I at home.  I never move a chair in my house unless I felt I had to move the chair. How true.   I am telling you: this guy should be blogging.  Who knows, he could be writing something along the lines of: you gotta do what you gotta do.  Wow.