Friday, July 06, 2012

The Arafat assassination cover-up

What the media is not saying is this: the international cover-up about the assassination is not really for the protection of Israel: Israel has admitted killing hundreds of Palestinian leaders over the years.  The cover up is aimed at the protection of the Ramallah clique: Abu Mazen, Muhammad Dahlan, and Muhammad Rashid--and possibly Abu `Ala'.  Abu Mazen is the precious one as far as the Western governments are concerned.  This is why whenever Suha Arafat would open her mouth about the matter (as she did early on days after Arafat's death), Abu Mazen would dispatch someone to silence her with cash.  Last year, former PLO leader, Faruq Qaddumi, also opened his mouth on the matter, and he too met with Abu Mazen--after having accused him of complicity in the murder---and he too was silenced with cash.  It is a story of corruption used to protect the Palestinian accomplices of Israel.