Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Syrian Christians in the US

Alfred sent me this:  "This is not scientific, but I have spoken to or (heard of) the political views of at least 100 members of the Syrian immigrant born Christian community in the Northeast. They are not publicly active, but they are outspoken in the immigrant Christian Syrian community. They are very critical of US pro-Israel middle east policy and only two have said that they support the opposition trying to overthrow the regime. One person is an anti-Alewite bigot who calls Alewites "7ameer" (mules) who "should go back being servants". The other person who supports the opposition insists that in Syria there are no Muslim brotherhood (only in Egypt). The Majority are not Baathist members or great admirers of Assad, but they support the regime more than the Islamist Sunni opposition. They point out that the regime has many non-Alewite members but the Ikhwan and the Salafists are all Sunnis."