Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saudi media flatters Israel

Bob sent me this:  "Look at this Israel flattering article by Al-Arabiya. 
They invented a 14 years old boy and attributed the logic to him. This is one genius boy who, one day, will figure out how to fly to space, into a black hole and come back to tell.

I challenge Al-arabiya to prove that the usurping state has 890 libraries. I could not find any study that shows the exact number today. But there is an article published in IFLA journal in 2000 volume 26 No 3 about Israel libraries where it is stated that Israel had 266 libraries. That includes about 50 that are in the Arab sectors as the article describes it. They counted the schools libraries too. Should Arabs count the libraries in the mosques too? Every single mosque has a big library in it. The article mentions that most of the books in those Israeli libraries are in Hebrew and only 11% are in foreign language. So many things could be said to expose the flaws in the logic (if any) of Al Arabiya zionist loving article, but at least the writer could have said that the backward Saudi regime confiscate books at their airports. Maybe that is why they do not have much libraries in Saudi Arabia."