Thursday, July 05, 2012

Rana Kabbani is a class act

Here, Rana Kabbani, refers to me as Asad "father of shit".  I relish an intellectual, political, or even polemical debate any day.  But I have a strict policy: I never engage with anyone who uses coarse language, or obscenities or vulgarities.  It is well beneath my standards (and my mother would so strongly disapprove if I were to stoop at her level of insults), even if coming from a former apologist for the Asad dicatorship-turned seasonal opposition supporter.  I also don't know what she means that she blocked me because I never followed her on twitter, and did not know, until somebody forwarded to me what she wrote today, that she is even alive on Twitter.  

Asa'ad Abu Khara doing battle against my tweets. Is it because I blocked his mumana'a drivel from day 1? Poor sod. Badly-coiffed minhibikji!"" (thanks Bob)