Sunday, July 22, 2012

Over 3,000 Nepalese migrant workers have died in Saudi Arabia since the year 2000

"Over 3,000 Nepalese migrant workers have died in Saudi Arabia since the year 2000. This number represents only those deaths officially recorded by the embassy, meaning the actual death toll is likely greater – official records are generally the only resource for migrant-related statistics, but they are often flawed and fragmented.  This number, though tragically high, is unsurprising. In the past few years, the mounting death rate of Nepali workers has been acknowledged and condemned several times over. More astounding is the Nepali embassy’s explanation of these deaths; Ambassador Udaya Raj Pandey claimed that “food habits and hot climate”, as well as unemployment and cultural differences, are responsible for the steady loss of Nepali lives. He thus shoulders the the brunt of the blame on migrant workers, rather than on Saudi’s inadequate migrant labor laws or the Nepali government’s own failed policies."  (thanks Fawzi)