Monday, July 16, 2012

Mustafa Abdul-NATO

Al-Arabiyyah (the politically sleazy news station of King Fahd's brother-in-law--but what do you expect, really) continues to air the series of interviews with Mustafa Abdul-NATO.  He is a worst liar than Clinton.  He said that the anal rape of Qadhdhafi was "divince will" and that he was killed by his own assistants.  He said he does not know how Mu`tasim was killed and that he was found dead (even the interviewer had to remind him that we saw footage of Mu`tasim alive after his capture by the NATO rebels, to which he said: I don't know).  He also said that there would be no punishment of any act by the rebels as they were securing their revolution.  Where does the US pick its puppets from? Well, from the same place where Qadhdhafi picked his puppets, in this case.