Monday, June 04, 2012

When Neir MacFarquhar analyzes, wake up the children and release the pigs from the barn

"Using language reminiscent of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Assad said his critics hated that idea that reform was moving ahead in Syria. “Holding the elections for the people’s assembly as scheduled slapped those who wanted Syria to close in on itself, to drown in the blood of its people,” he said."  I know that you know neither Arabic nor Persian, and I know that you are no qualified to comment on the political rhetoric of Iran or Syria, but how on earth is his language reminiscent of the leaders of Iran? I read the whole speech and I still don't find evidence of what you are saying?  But then again, from you, it is not surprising. Every day I read MacFarquhar, I shed a tear for Anthony Shadid.  We miss you.