Sunday, June 03, 2012

the "utlra-lousy" Hariri movement

Basim sent me this:  "The Future Movement parliamentary bloc handed a memo Friday to U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly documenting breaches of national sovereignty by the Syrian army.  According to the bloc's press release, Annan telephoned head of the Future Movement bloc Fouad Siniora who is currently in London; the two discussed the situation in Lebanon and the region as well as the "danger of the Syrian breaches to Lebanon's sovereignty and the extent of their effect on Lebanon". "
I don't recall that wretch of a politician Siniora -- who kissed Condaleeza Rice in the middle of the July 2006 war -- sending any memos to then U.N Secretary-General Annan when Israel was committing massacres in his country and "breaching its national sovereignty."
PS Basim came up with "ultra-lousy" in the headline.