Saturday, June 02, 2012

"Torches of Victory"

There are so many ugly and disgusting aspects of the Syrian political movement of the Ikhwan, Syrian National Council, and Free Syrian Army (just as the Syrian regime is an epitome of ugliness).  They produce such ugly propaganda.  They give a name to every Friday in the hope that it will rally the Syrian public behind their agenda.  Do you know what they called yesterday?  The trio of the exile opposition called yesterday:  "The Friday of 'Children of Hula are the Torches of Victory' ".  This ugly slogan only shows you the extent to which they are willing to disregard an decency or humanitarian standards in their obsession with propaganda (funded by the oil and gas regimes).  The murdered children are "torches of victory"??? Can you imagine somebody milking such a heinous crime for political purposes?  Now I see why some harbor doubts about the account of the massacre promoted by the Ikhwan of Syria.  Have they ever told the truth about anything since the uprising began?