Of course, there is absolutely no mention of that in the Western press, and Human Rights Watch office in Beirut rarely if ever reports on any matter if it is against the interests of March 14. Stores owned by `Alawites in Tripoli have been set on fire by pro-Hariri goons and Salafites. Here, pro-March 14 thugs talk about their aims: ""We are the majority in
Tripoli so in numbers alone we could go up the hill unarmed and eat them alive,"
says Sheikh Masri ... They [Alawites] are supported by the Syrian regime, Iran
and Hezbollah - the gang of Satan." "It's not
over," says a young man with short hair and thick beard standing with a group of
friends on Syria Street. "The only solution is if the Alawites leave from Jabal
Mohsen."" (thanks Basim)