Tuesday, May 08, 2012

This guy calls for dictatorships in the Arab world: like we don't have them already?

"Obedience to authority is the hallmark of Islam's political theory. In the harsh environment of the Arabian Desert, disobedience and strife could waste scarce water and staples. Islam is a way of life guided by the Quran and the Prophet's actions and words in the Hadith. To be a good Muslim one must abide strictly by the rules of the Quran and the Hadith. The Prophet Muhammad, a product of desert living, enshrined obedience to authority into the Islamic Creed. In 4:59, the Quran orders: "Obey God and obey God's messenger and obey those of authority among you." The Prophet has also reportedly said: "Hear and obey the emir, even if your back is whipped and your property is taken; hear and obey." Belief in predestination makes tyrannical rulers seem as if they were ordained by God's will.  Many eminent Islamic jurists opine that in the name of societal peace, years of unjust ruler are better that a day of societal strife...Since democratic governance is unlikely to grow in Arab soil, an alternative would be benevolent dictatorship. Except for its non-representative nature, benevolent dictatorship could deliver participatory rule, ensure justice for all, fight corruption, nepotism, sectarianism and tribalism. Such traits would also defuse the anger that breeds and inflames the Jihadists." (thanks Andrew--shall I really thank you?)