Friday, May 18, 2012

Salamah Kilah and Syrian regime torture

Akram sent me this:  "On Alarabyia TV station, Salamah Keilah told what happened to him during his detention (Arabic). Here are the headlines:
1- He hasn’t been "suspected" of writing articles to Al-Akhbar (greetings… Al-Akhbar is NOT GUILTY), but of supervising a clandestine bulletin, Alyassari (The leftist)
2- He has being "guest" of two different Mukabarat center: tortured and insulted by the first (why am I not feeling surprised?). Guys in the second center were good with him and hospitalized him (is it a good cop- bad cop policy? No way. In Syria it's always bad cop- bad cop)
3- In the military hospital, he smelt strong odors of stool and urine because hospitalized detainees weren't allowed to go to toilet. All the time, in the so-called hospital, he was cuffed to the bed while the guards were beating him.
4- He has been transferred (from the word "transfer") to Jordan without been charged. The owners have simply been expelled him from their "farm".

Meanwhile, Syria boycotted a UN torture hearing saying it would provide more information in 2014 !!! (God bless you)

And, here are my impressions:
1- This time, it's no more a blind eyewitness, nor an activist… It's a man, with a face and name, confirming what we've heard before about ill-treatment in Syrian detention centers and in …. hospitals
2- This is what happened to a 59 years old intellectual, leftist, Arab nationalist man. You may imagine what would a young man suspect of participating in a demonstration, or even being a member of a "terrorist armed group) be submitted to.
3- Does Salamah Keilah have the right to show up on a Saudi TV? This really is a problematic issue. But here is what I think:
a. Let alone the whatever-the-regime-does supporters, many would argue that Salamah offered "Al Saoud" a stone to be thrown against Syria. This is true, but don't forget who, originally, manufactured the "stone".
b. Not a single Syrian media outlet has even mentioned his case. I sent a comment to kassioun saying: "Salama Keila has been arrested" but it's never been published…"