Friday, April 13, 2012

Who write those obituaries for the New York Times?

You can easily deduce from reading the obituaries of the New York Times that writer in that department never have to be expert on what they are writing about.  This is about Ahmed Ben Bella:  "Tall, athletic, handsome and charismatic, Mr. Ben Bella..."  Nobody--and I mean, nobody--would ever describe Ben Bella as charismatic.  Hell, Ben Bella has less charisma than Bashshar Al-Asad, and you know that the Asad family is bereft of charisma.   In fact, when Ben Bella was released from jail, there was a national feeling of letdown when people realize that the man can't lead himself let alone people.  Ahmed Ben Bella's press interviews are often used as substitutes for sleeping pills in some parts of the Arab world.