Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saudi-sponsored cleric in Tunisia

Ahmet from Tunisia sent me this: "Asad, what are the odds that this clown of lawyer -- who previously lodged a lawsuit to shut pornographic sites on the internet and was rebuffed and is now launching "the Tunisian League for the fight against the tide of Shiism" -- is on a Saudi payroll. Or he is may be begging for it. I mean how blatant and dumb is this especially when it coincides with Iran foreign minister visit to Tunisia and when i actually heard him the other day ticking off the "Safavid" slur. At least he could have kept the announcement for some other occasion so he would be thought of as just another religious bigot on the block. But he is now seemingly a Saudi political tool planted in emerging Arab countries to pollute the public spheres with hatred and sectarianism. Also, look at this rag of sons of Zayed picking up a story with the headline " Tunisia fearing sectarianaziation is complicating the scene" which was given a fodder by the declarations of the despicable Ennahda Minister of Religious affairs . Yeah, only the fools and knaves and faux liberals amongst us are slavering to win a spur in the Saudi crusade of odious sectarianism.."