Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Bahrain Update

From Angry Arab chief Bahrain correspondent:  "I'm starting to think that there is no way that the royal family will release AbdulHadi AlKhawaja even though it would be the sane thing for them to do (even from their warped perspective), since having him die (and frankly thats whats going to happen at this point - he's been on a hunger strike for 55 days I believe) isn't going to help stability wise especially a few weeks before their beloved Formula One race begins (something I never really cared for from the beginning - how about using that money to actually build the country's infrastructure like create a good public transportation system). The Khawaja family and lets add Nabil Rajab to the list since he works with them have basically become untouchable. The government can't do anything to them - yeah they are arrested every now and then but they later release them. Yes of course there is a big battle going on between the royal family and the bahraini people but there is a little personal battle, and in this personal battle the AlKhawajas are winning. I mean listen to this - Mariam AlKhawaja arrives to the Egyptian Airport. They don't let her in and tell her that she has to be deported (along with a Palestinian guy from Gaza). Apparently she's on some black list (not a surprise since the military in Egypt and Saudi Arabia are best friends). So what does she do? She tweets her deportation along with the deportation of the Palestinian guy. All these Egyptian activists get involved and it causes a ruckus on twitter. The Danish Embassy get involved too since she's a Danish citizen and then guess what? She gets into Egypt (the Palestinian of course still gets deported). Of course a lot of Bahrainis are on the blacklist and have been deported from Egypt but she was the only one who was able to get in. So the royal family, being as dumb and childish as they are aren't going to release AlKhawaja now because thats all they've got.

If the Obama administration makes one public statement about him I am sure that he would get released. But they don't care of course and they probably think that this is "too much to ask" of the royal family knowing how much they personally hate him and his family. I'm not really sure what is going on in any of their minds. Maybe they think they can ignore Bahrain and focus on bigger and better things such as Iran and Syria along with their best friends Saudi Arabia. But sooner or later as always, their policies will come and bite them at the back. And at that point, it will of course be too late. I'm getting really tired of seeing the same mistakes being repeated time and time again. I mean does no one learn here? I think any sane person whatever viewpoint they support, and even if they don't have the heart to care about a man who is dying, will agree that having AbdulHadi AlKhawaja die (his doctor already said that he's probably going to enter into an irreversible coma) is just not a good idea. Also I would like to ask - where is Avaaz in this? Why aren't they doing a campaign to have him released? I guess Bahrain and Yemen ( noone cares about Yemen. Noone...oh lets add Qatif to the list and of course Palestine which doesn't even need to be mentioned since its so obvious) are just not important enough. "