Saturday, March 17, 2012

Walid Jumblat

There is no more unprincipled Lebanese politician than Walid Jumblat.  And if former Senator Bob Kerry once famously said that Bill Clinton is a good liar, than Walid Jumblat is a bad liar.  Over the last few years, he alternated between saying that he can't forgive the Syrian regime for killing his father to saying that it is forgotten and forgiven.  People forget that when the protests started in Syria, Jumblat began by stuanchly supporting the Syrian regime's crackdown.  But the calculations of Walid Jumblat are always (especially since 1990) financial more than political.  Walid Jumblat is now begging the Saudi regime for forgiveness because House of Saud notified him that it was severing all times with him when he supported Najib Miqati for prime minister of Lebanon.  He himself told that humiliating story and yet never stops from sending envoys to beg forgiveness from House of Saud.