Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The Prince Salman;s interview

A courageous Saudi dissident sent me this (his name is withheld to protect his head): "Hi
You did not mention the whole story :)  Yesterday, the interview was on their website and appeared also on some Saudi newspapers ( at least Al-Riyadh did). What happen then was e-historic day in SA. In the interview, his royal highness said "الشعب يعيش في بحبوحة ..." [people live in prosperity] that created massive tweets on tweeter by thousands of people that made all kind of sad jokes of the economic status that we suffer in this oil-rich country. After the tweets came in massive numbers last night the prince via the ministry of defense issued a statement denying that the interview took place in the first place and with "magic" the links to the interview were removed from As-Syasah and other newspapers. This shows how scary the social networks to them.  You can follow #بحبوحة and enjoy all kind of comments and jokes!!"