Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lizzie Phelan responds

What I found amusing is that Lizzie responded to my post about her from yesterday and then added that she just realized that we are Facebook friends.  Well, Lizzie, we are Facebook friends because a while back you requested to be my friend on Facebook and I accepted.  Secondly, I am most amused that Lizzie would refer to my criticisms of her as "liberal".  Liberal, Lizzie?  Initially, I was confused by that label and assumed that Lizzie must herself be confused about labels of political ideology.  But I then realized that I must be liberal by her standards because being radical--for her--means to endorse the dictatorships of Qadhdhafi and of Al-Asad dynasty.  If standing against those two dictators means that I am liberal, then please count me as a liberal, although the word is used in my social and intellectual circles as an insult.  Here is Lizzie's response, which is largely technical.