Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daniel Byman and his lousy book

How on earth could Oxford University Press publish the book A High Price:  The Triumph and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism?  How on earth??  (Oh, and thank you Oxford University Press for sending me a copy).  I mean, I read bad books and I urge people to read "bad" books, politically.  But this is an exception.  This guy was a government "expert" and worked on the staff of the Sep. 11 Commission.  But he is so not qualified to write a book on this subject, or on any other subject.  His biases for Israel and its war crimes are so undisguised.  He knows no Hebrew or Arabic and does not even bother with Arabic sources for matters related to Arabs.  I could not find one original idea or insight in this long book.  Who reviewed this book for Oxford University Press and why was I not a reviewer?  Also, what is with the title? It is supposed to speak about Israeli failures in counterterrorism but he does not find any failures.  Just successes.  His book relies entirely on the standard Zionist literature on Israel: full of admiration and bereft of facts and fairness.  Like all Zionists, he talks about Zionist formation of armed groups after the 1920s "riots" (p. 13) when Ahad Ha`am (a Zionist for sure) spoke about violence against Arabs by Zionist immigrants in late 19th century.  He admits (p. 14) that Zionist terrorist groups committed acts of terrorism but then ads:  "Today Israelis and Americans [it is cute how he puts Israelis and Americans together] dismiss the idea that the end justifies the means, especially if it involves the deliberate killing of civilians". (p. 15)  His account on Israeli raids that killed Arab civilians is based on the account of the Israeli ambassador in the US.  These are the standards of this dude.  He has no qualms in justifying or finding excuses for Israeli killing of civilians. He could not get the acronym of the Fath movement right (p. 30).  In fairly assessing the Palestinian fighting capability in the battle of Karamah, this dude relies on the account of the former Israeli chief-of-staff (kid you not, p 39).  The guy is ill-informed that he thinks that Abu Hasan Salamah was the leader of Black September. (p. 45).  On the murder of Palestinian academic Wa'il Zu`ytir in Rome (a man who never held a gun in his hand), he writes:  "he may have been the wrong man". (P. 53)  On p. 61, he cites an invented quote by Musa As-Sadr about the PLO (he never said the words attributed to him in an English Zionist book).  He reports on Samir Kuntar but does not report what Samir Kuntar himself said about Israeli lies about him (p. 65).  He faults Western media in the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006 because it was "ignoring [Israeli] restraint" (p. 254).  He also is at pains to report that really the Israeli terrorist army worked hard to avoid civilian casualties.  (p. 256).  He reports that things in the West Bank were rather good under Israeli occupation.  Who is his source on that? Shlomo Gazir, the Israeli military governor there.  Kid you NOT.  And like other Zionist writers, he cites an invented quotation attributed falsely by the Zionist fanatical journalist, Oriana Fallaci, to George Habash.  The lies continue.