Friday, February 10, 2012

Syrian people

Of course, I now have to be exposed to crocodile tears by Zionists and others shed over the plight of the Syrian people.  These are people who never ever shed a tear over the murder of Arabs: these are the people whose only solution to all the problems that Arabs are going through is "the peace process"--a recipe for the continuation and legitimization of Israel war crimes.  Syrian people are now double victims: they are victims of a repressive regime which can only rule through repression, and victims of cynical and fanatical groups (whether Free Syrian Army or others under the umbrella of Saudi Arabia and Qatar) who resort to car bombs in their fight.  Still, the primary responsibility for the killing should be blamed on the Syrian regime as it is the ultimate authority (albeit imposed on the people).  But think about this: if a group in Saudi Arabia resorts to the same methods of the Free Syrian Army against the government, the US and Western governments would support the (mis)treatment of such groups by the Saudi government as terrorists. There are precedents like that.  But the US is consistent in its inconsistency: it supports terrorism in Syria and Iran but opposes it against its clients in the region.  The Syrian people started a peaceful uprising (raising slogans of "silmiyyah, silmiyyah" (peaceful peaceful)--who still remembers, but it was then hijacked by fanatical groups loyal to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, although I do support the right of Arab peoples (including Syrians of course) to rise up in arms against oppressive government provided 1) they dont carry the agenda of other tyrannies (Qatar of Saudi Arabia) or NATO; 2) that armed struggle is not launched by religious fanatics like the Free Syrian Army or its ilk.