Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sectarianism in Syria

Khaled sent me this in response to a post linking to an article by Ilyas Khuri from Al-Quds Al-`Arabi:
"Some may argue that sectarianism is the least of the problems of Mr. Khoori.
Schizophrenia, as implied by the statement: "لكن لا الفيتو الامريكي سوف يوقف النضال الوطني الفلسطيني ولا الفيتو الروسي يستطيع ان يغّير المعطى الذي رسمه نضال الشعب السوري في انتفاضته الكبرى" is a more dangerous disease, and accounts for multiple political stands, including: sectarianism and anti-sectarianism. Otherwise the gentleman believes that the American leopard can change its spots... which is another symptom of departure from reality!
This latter possible diagnosis is suggested as well by the statement: "ما بات يعرفه الجميع هو ان المعارضة السورية مدت للروس اكثر من يد" which comes some a few months after the 'National Council' severed its relations with Russia and exactly 48 hours after هيئة التنسيق refused to travel to Moscow. Other Opposition groups, who are within Syria, did travel to Russia, and did oppose the use of NATO to pulverize Syria in order to complete the encirclement of Russia, China and even India, once Iran is brought down.
The objectives of this dude is to prove indirectly that the Muslim Brothers and their 'Revolution' are not sectarian, only a little! And it can be corrected by asking the minorities to use their conscience - which, evidently they are not. These minorities, for some reason, do not include the Kurds. For some reason the are presumed to be with the 'Revolution,' hence their conscience is: "fine, thank you!"
Here is a take from the Syria's past and the Muslim Brothers of the 1950s.
The Popular Resistance Corps المقاومة الشعبية, was formed from ordinary folk, trained and armed with brand new MX assault rifles Syria bought from Belgium, but were made in the US. It numbered some 300,000 person, who dug trenches and fortified towns to protect Syria and be the first to take the shock in the event of an invasion from royalist Iraq, Turkey and Israel. As the crisis deepened, ammunition was distributed to all excepting some. Those included the Muslim Brothers. Armories were established to distribute to them their ammunition when the emergency is declared.  The Popular Resistance Corps was commanded by a Colonel, who was not a practicing Muslim, like the vast majority of the Syrians even today, but who had his 'moments of surrender' particularly during the time when he was under house arrest, or taking refuge in his birthplace in the Lebanon amongst his relatives there.
One day, a big Muslim Brothers delegation visited him at home, late one afternoon. To me, who didn't see many characters wearing these rather unusual attire, with scary stuff on their heads, it was a new and memorable experience. When they left I felt happy the door was made of iron. But my father was not happy, as he turned round. He was deep in worried thought.  My mother came over and asked him what bothers him? He replied, "إخوان مسيلمة are demanding ammunition for the assault rifles now." She said "Give it to them." He said "It will only take 30 minutes before they would raid القصاع and slaughter half of the Christians there." He left soon after, despite the fact that it was late in the afternoon, probably he discuss the matter with his superiors at Army Command. The Muslim Brothers never got their ammunition without a declaration of a State of Emergency, as was agreed when they received their assault rifles, and they declared him a Communist and an apostate, and many other epithets which they still use in their 'peaceful' political debates.  I asked my father "Why are they so insistent?" He would not share with me much apart from saying that they went on regular live ammunition training as everybody. They were tested and they seemed to be as ready as everyone. That, at the time did not please me. Since I yearned to join the Popular Resistance, but my age was stupidly short by quite a few years!  Judging by the report of the Arab League Observers, and indeed, this very same article in Al-Quds Al-Arabi, makes me certain that this trait is not transient. It is a part of the DNA of these people, who fabricated, like many things, their own Islam.""