Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Saudi royal scandal in New York City

"Mustapha Ouanes, an Algerian-born engineer and a member of the Saudi royal family's entourage, has been convicted of rape in New York, the Atlantic Wire reported.  Ouanes was charged for bringing two women back to his hotel room after a night of drinking in January 2010 and raping one of them after they fell asleep, according to the Atlantic....Ouanes, a Canadian citizen, works for a firm that contracts with the Saudi royal family, and spent about half his time working and traveling with a Saudi prince, the Atlantic reported."  Let me tell you what I know about the story and which has not been reported yet: the Prince in question is none other than Prince `Abdul-`Aziz bin Fahd, and the man in question works for Saudi Oger (owned by the Hariri family). (thanks John)