Thursday, February 16, 2012

Qadri Jamil

The leader of the "official" opposition group, The Party of Popular Will, Qadri Jamil, is by all accounts Russia's man in Syria.  Even his father had longstanding ties with the Soviet regime.  He is behind the soon to be launched Al-Yasariyyah (The Leftist One) news channel from Beirut, and appeared on Syrian TV yesterday.  He speaks with such confidence and says things that you don't hear on Syrian regime TV but yet speaks a line that serves the interests of the regime.   For that, he may be playing an important role in the period to come in Syria and he has been mentioned as possible prime minister.  He called on the regime to continue "the security solution" against armed people but called for the release of prisoners.  He is seeking reform of the regime and not its overthrow.  For that, I can't support him whatsoever.