Friday, February 10, 2012

Not in the US press: Jabhat An-Nusrah

"IHS Jane´s Defence Weekly, Vol 49, issue 05, 1 February 2012
Sunni jihadist veterans join forces with Syrian rebels 
Jeremy Binnie, JDW Middle East/Africa Editor – London. A new jihadist group calling itself Jabhat al-Nusrah has announced that it has joined the rebellion against the Syrian regime.  In a video released to a pro-Al-QWaeda internet forum on 24 January, the group said it was responding to growing calls for jihadists to defend the Syrian people against the contry´s security forces. It added that its fighters had returned from various unspecified conflict zones.  “We give good news for the Ummah (Islamic community) by establishing Jabhat al-Nusrah to protect Sham (the Levant) consisting of Sham mujahideen who were in the areas of Jihad”, the video´s narrator said."