Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Isabel Kershner assess Palestinian public opinion

Look at this hilarious opening sentence by New York Times chief Israeli propagandist:  "For many Palestinians and their international supporters, the one bright spot in an otherwise dreary political landscape has been the nation-building efforts of Salam Fayyad, the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, who has restored law and order and encouraged economic growth in the West Bank."  I mean, this is typical.  They assign people, like Kershner, who has no clue as to Palestinian public opinion or political preferences.  She maintains that Fayyad is loved by the Palestinians and the international supporters of the Palestinians.  In my anti-Israel tour of UK colleges last month, the name of Fayyad came only once in my tour: when a Zionist audience member praised him in a question he posed to me.  The notion that pro-Palestinian activists see this man as anything but a stooge of occupation is just absurd.  Even within the Fath movement, he is hated and despised.  But don't fault Ms. Kershner.  All that she knows about the Middle East, she receives from her Israeli propaganda sources--and they really love Fayyad.