Monday, January 02, 2012

He kills Arabs (as part of his service in the Israeli terrorist army) and yet supports democracy and human rights for Arabs

"When I went to Egypt to spend the summer working at a nongovernmental organization that provides legal assistance to asylum seekers from Sudan and Iraq, I was no stranger to the Middle East. I had studied Arabic in Cairo and spent more than two years in the Israel Defense Forces. I hoped that my summer would prove that my Zionist ideals could coexist with support for the right of human migration and sanctuary. I also hoped to convince the Arabs I met that my Zionism did not have to be antithetical to their interests and that we could work together for peace."  Is this guy for real? Do you notice how idiotic Zionist propagandists have become? So this guy wants Arabs to know this: that while he kills and massacres Arabs on volunteer bases with the Israeli terrorist army, he wants us to host him in his "work" in Arab countries.  And then this racist says this:  "But in post-revolutionary Egypt, my attempts to educate and interact with the local population led to my arrest".  You want to educate us? The only thing that you can educate us in is in your experiences in war crimes and massacres.  The rest we can learn on our own. (thanks Amer)