Tuesday, January 03, 2012

He finally said it. Ghalyun wants NATO

Here is what the puppet of Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar, Burhan Ghalyun, has to say about foreign intervention in Syria:  "قال غليون «نحن نرفض التدخل الأجنبي البرّي الذي من شأنه المساس بوحدة الأراضي السورية واستقلالها، ونوافق على التدخل الأجنبي الذي يفرض مناطق عازلة تحت حظر جوي وبحري، وهذا هو ركيزة أساسية من مطالب الحراك الثوري». "
(Ghalyun said: "We reject a ground foreign intervention that could violate the unity of Syrian territory and its independence, but we agree to a foreign intervention that would impose buffer zones under an air and naval ban, and this is a major element of the demands of the revolutionary movement.")  What definition of revolution are you using, Mr. Ghalyun?