Thursday, December 01, 2011

Thanks you, Qatar

Marwan kindly translated this article from Al-Akhbar:  "Thank You Qatar!
Jawad Nadeem Adra
Thanks to Al-Jazeera, who discovered the ills of the Arab world from the “roaring ocean” to the Levant and who , of course, distanced itself from the “rebelling Gulf “. And thanks for “discovering” the Arab Afghans, the places of bin Laden and the Muslims of the Philippines, the states of Yugoslavia, and for “distancing” itself from the gas of Qatar and all of Qatar. Thank you Qatar for the $ 300 million gift to Lebanon after the July 2006 war; it is a debt that cannot be repaid with banners of the resistance “Thanks Qatar”.
Thanks Qatar for $ 700 million to Cornell University only, without the cost of buildings, etc., to establish a medical college in Doha, and the number of its students may not exceed 270 at most. Thanks Qatar for 80 billion dollars or more that will be paid “to host” the Football World Cup in 2022. Thanks Qatar for the scolding that the Arab peoples waited so long for, to the Minister of “million martyrs revolution”, the Algerian, who was not intimidated by France in all its glory, but trembled in fear of Qatar. Thanks Qatar for the “mature leadership”, which placed Egypt, “Mother of the World”, in its natural place behind Qatar to receive orders. Thanks Qatar for facing up to Erdoğan in order to create a balance between the Arab world and Turkey, so that Qatar’s weight would be sufficient to limit the “Ottoman expansion”.
Thanks Qatar for cutting ties with the trade office, which the millions of Al-Jazeera followers didn’t know existed, to protest the Israeli siege of Gaza. Thanks Al-Jazeera for its “objective” handling of this matter. And thanks also to the Arab League and its offices for working day and night to boycott Israel!
Thanks Qatar for hosting Shimon Peres and Tzipi Livni in the same period when it “stood” “with” the resistance against Israel. Thanks Qatar for innovative planning, because the Arab peoples did not realize that Al-Jazeera, while attacking Saudi Arabia, for hosting U.S. military bases, was working according to a “creative” plan which resulted in “hosting” American weapons and soldiers at the Khor-Al-Udaid equipped base, at Qatar’s expense of course, complying with the highest American standards, under the pretext of protecting “the nation of Qatar” from Iran and Saudi Arabia. And so was the “colonizer” invited, most welcomed, without bothering to occupy or spend any money, but was paid to occupy! And it is from this base that the air attacks on Iraq were launched.
Thank you Qatar for your leadership of the Arab world, you are the beating heart of Arabism, your are its brains and muscles; Libya has freed, Tunisia became a democracy, and Mubarak is in prison as a result of your tremendous efforts. You are sweet syrup, your are our towing engine, and we are behind you hauled and fascinated. Thanks Qatar and Al-Jazeera for not responding to Obama when he said, “Al-Jazeera, owned by one man, is calling for democracy in the Arab world, except in Qatar”. Thanks Qatar for the siege of Syria, and tomorrow (God protect us from tomorrow) of Israel.
Please Qatar, free the way for millions of Arabs and hundreds of thousands of your workers to gain Qatari citizenship, so that they shout and forever: Thank you Qatar, and long live Qatar!
For all of this and for thousands of other things that are or are not said, we must all repeat: Thank you Qatar."