I have liked and respected Syrian dissident writer, Subhi Hadidi, for years. Yet, he has disappointed me twice as of late. The first time when he engaged in sophomoric insult against comrade Joseph Massad because he disagreed with him on Syria. Secondly, today he has an article about Bashshar's recent media interviews. He basically attacks Bashshar for talking to "Jewish journalists" and the article is titled "Jewish media". There is a clear anti-Semitic tenor to the whole article. Of course, Bashshar should be attacked for his preference for Zionist journalists to conduct his silly interviews when he is too busy presiding over a repressive state to bother to talk to the Syrian people. Subhi Hadidi is a sophisticated writer and I was most disappointed to see this piece. The notion of a "Jewish media" is derived from anti-Semtic literature which implies that there is a Jewish conspiracy in the media. Had Hadidi focused on Bashshar's preference for Zionist journalists, I would have understood.