Friday, November 25, 2011

The White Man in our Lands: an American student at AUB

Somebody at AUB forwarded to me this email by an American student at the American University of Beirut to the Office International Programs (I withheld her name):  "As an international and American student, I was disappointed to learn that the Lebanese movie night, which is geared toward international students, was being held on Thanksgiving, a very important American holiday. With a large number of the international students at AUB being American, the decision to host an event on one of our most important holidays is disrepectful and seems to blatantly prohibit American attendence. In the future, it would be nice if events could be planned with everyone in mind so that it would be possible for students to celebrate their most important holidays as well as attend AUB International Student events."  Who do those white European and American visitors in Arab lands think they are? What sense of entitlement do they seem to possess?  Imagine a visiting Arab student at an American University here in the US protest to the campus officials because they did not observe the Karamah Battle or some event that only Arabs care about?  What kind of chutzpah is this?