Sunday, November 20, 2011

This White Man is not happy with Egyptians: he wants them to be nice to Israel

This Zionist writer does not once mention that the anti-Christian bigotry in Egypt has been vomited and cuddled by allies of Israel: Sadat and Mubarak.  They are the ones responsible, as is the Military Council--another secret ally of Israel.  The article should be ignored because it is a racist piece full of ugly generalizations about all of Egyptians.  But he reveals himself as an Israeli-centric who only cares about one thing only: that Egyptians serve Israel and Israeli occupation.  First, notice how he equates attacks on Copts with the political attack on the Israel embassy, typically implying that it is anti-Semitic to express hostility and even rejection of Israel (the categorical rejection of Israel that I and most Arabs believe in).  "What is terrible about the episode, however, is the inability of the government to take the blame for the slaughter of the Copts. Similarly, in September, it failed to intervene in good time when a large mob attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, broke down its walls and nearly slaughtered those inside."  Notice this propaganda language.  He said: ""nearly slaughtered" those inside.  I don't know what he means by "those inside" except the armed Israeli terrorist.  But what does "nearly slaughtered" mean? They either slaughtered them or they did not.  And notice that Arabs always "slaughter" and they don't kill.  Israel only accidentally kills.  I should use this language from now on about Israel, as in Israel nearly exterminated all of the people of South Lebanon in 2006.  That would be useful to use.  I like this White Man in this article: people like him are so blatant. They basically are saying: why can't Egypt go back to being a lovely colony for Western powers?  Why?