Saturday, November 19, 2011

Syrian Ikhwan opposition

Yesterday, comrade Amer was making a good point.  He said that people in the West and East, and even some progressives we know, are all enthusiastic about support for the Syrian National Council without knowing anything whatsoever (or bnoob in Syrian accent) about their political blueprint for Syria.  Does anyone really know what kind of government or political system they are proposing?  And please spare me the mambo jumbo about "dawlah madaniyyah" (civil state) because it carries no meaning whatsoever.  Even the Bin Ladenite militias in the streets of Tripoli don't mind "civil state".  Does any of them tell us what kind of relationship will the new state have with religion?  And which religion?  And how do they ties to Saudi Arabia and Qatar affect their politics and foreign policy?  And they rightly mock and criticize the lousy Syrian regime for leaving the Golan under Israeli occupation, but what is their plan for the liberation of the Golan?  For this reason, I don't get how any one (progressive or liberal) can ever support such a lousy deliberately deceptive bunch.