Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pro-Saudi Syrian Opposition

Let me be clear.  My criticisms of the Syrian opposition does not apply to the brave Syrian protesters or to various opposition trends suppressed in Syrian jails.  It applies to the pro-Saudi elements of the opposition: those Ikhwan and their liberal affiliates (the March 14 movement of Syria).  I realize I now oppose them in the same degree that I oppose the lousy Syrian regime.  To the same degree. People say that we should wait until a group reaches power before we criticize them.  Really? It would be too late then.  The gallows would have been mounted.  As a youth I spoke against any leftist alliance with Khumayni during the Iranian Revolution, and I speak forcefully against any alliance with the lousy and politically corrupt elements of the opposition in any Arab country.  The Syrian National Council is a lousy tool of the Arab tyrannical order.  I participated in a day-long conference at UC, Berkeley.  In the plenary panel, I was with a supporter of the Syrian National Council, along with others.  I could not believe that schtick of that element of the opposition.  The person in question basically gave this narrative: that the uprising in Syria is led by two women only: Suhayr Atasi and Razan Zaytunah.  And that the entire Syrian National Council and their supporters in Syria demand secularism for Syria and democracy.  She said that Ikhwan has no role whatsoever inside in the country. I hope the session is somewhere in video and would be available soon.  And since she had to leave right after her remarks I asked for a chance to respond quickly to that narrative. As soon as I started, she started yelling and screaming and doing what PLO representatives used to do in debates in the US when I first came to US (they used to resort to shouts and screams and tears, hoping that it would evoke emotions in the audience.  It never worked, of course).  I reminded the audience that when i was in Washington, DC in the 1980s, the Islamic fanatical terrorist groups that were fighting the communists in Afghanistan, used to do the same dog and pony show that supporters and representatives of the Syrian National Council are now doing in Western cities.  The Afghan Mujahdin (the friends and comrades of Bin Laden) used to tour US cities and used to do a dog and pony show and used to speak about the future Afghanistan that they had in mind: they also spoke about women's rights and about a new democracy.  Well, they gave us the Taliban.  We don't have to wait long to see what the Ikhwan has in mind for Syria. Look at Libya.  It is right there. People like me were saying that the pro-Qatari Islamists and Bin Ladenites in Libya will be bringing an Islamic state, even while putting civilian left-overs from the Qadhdhafi dictatorship up front to speak to Western audiences.  Those forces stole the glorious popular uprising of the Libyan people just as the Ikhwan and their affiliates are trying to steal the glorious uprising of the Syrian people.  We should speak forcefully: for the overthrow of the Syrian regime at once.  The blood letting has not stopped and the Asad dictatorship complains about the Arab league while continuing to kill Syrians.  We should also speak against the lousy Syrian National Council.  It is just another NATO opposition group that should not enjoy any minute in power.  We need to move from the Ba`th to a new political order not tainted with Gulf money and NATO agendas.  The charade should end.