Monday, November 07, 2011

Malfunction with the propaganda servers of Israel

Look at this.  Increasingly, the government of the Israeli usurping entity is merging as the dumbest and most clumsy of the various tyrannical government of the region.  Notice that Israeli propaganda newspapers are willing to report uncritingly the most obvious lies.  Here is one:  "The Israeli government denied on Sunday that a cyber-attack was the reason several websites went down, including those of the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet security service and government ministries. IDF spokesman said there was most likely a malfunction with the servers."  And notice that Western media are almost always silent when it comes to embarrassment to the Israeli government.  More than 160 Israeli spies have been caught in Lebanon, and the person in charge of military intelligence regarding Lebanon has killed himself and I am yet to read a whole article on the accomplishment of Lebanese police--Lebanese police, for potato's sake--vis-a-vis Israel.