A reader sent me those examples of the influence of Shaykh Al-`Ar`ur: (I need a volunteer to translate into English):
"الواقع على الأرض مختلف كما ذكرت:
"الواقع على الأرض مختلف كما ذكرت:
· دعوات التكبير التي عمّت سوريا طوال ليالي ولأشهر طويلة انطلاقا" من
المنازل كانت بناء" على دعوات العرعور وشرحه على الهواء لأهميتها وجدواها الدينية
المزلزلة كما قيل (مرتبط فيها على الأغلب تسميات زلزال دمشق، زلزال دمشق
· مقاطعة بضائع الشركات التي يوردها العرعور انتشرت بشكل كبير، منها مثلا"
كانت شركة "الدرّة" الغذائية وهي الأكثر انتشار في سوريا وأهم مصدر سوري ومن منطقة
عربين في ريف دمشق. العديد من المحلات لم تعد تستقبل منتجاتها منذ
· عندما يكون العرعور على الهواء، يصبح هنالك ما يشبه حظر تجوّل في بعض
المناطق كحرستا أو دوما من ريف دمشق مثلا" نتيجة نسبة المشاهدة العالية
· يوجد بلديات تمّ إسقاط صور الرئيس من عليها وإبدالها بصور العرعور كمثال
بلدية الحولّة في ريف حماه حيث بقيت لأشهر الصورة
· نسب المشاهدة العالية للفيديوهات التي ترفع للعرعور تبيّن أنه شخص مركزي
فيما يحدث. مثال كان الفيديو الذي ظهر له وهو بالحج مع مرافقة من الشرطة السعودية
و160,000 مشاهدة بفترة أسابيع قليلة"
PS Translation:
"“The reality on ground is different as you
*Calls for Takbeer (Shouting God is Great)
that spread over Syria for nights and long months starting from the houses were
based on Al-‘Ar’ur’s invitations and his account on air for its importance and
its religious quaking efficiency as said (likely related naming Damascus
earthquake, Damascus earthquake…)
*The boycotting of corporate goods imported by Al-‘Ar’ur has spread largely, an example: The Addurra (Al-Durra) Food company –which is the most widely spread in Syria and the most important Syrian source and from the area of ‘Arbein in the countryside of Damascus – many shops are not receiving its products any more since months.
*When Al-‘Ar’ur is on air, there apparently seems what is like a curfew in some areas like ‘hrsta or Doama from the countryside of Damascus as a result of high rate of viewers for him [on air].
*There are townhalls where the pictures of the president have been dropped and replaced with pictures of Al-‘Ar’ur like the townhall of Al’hawulla in the countryside of ‘hmah where they [Al-‘Ar’ur pictures] remained for months.
*The high percentages of viewing to Al-‘Ar’ur videos clarifies that he is a central figure in what happens. An example was the video where he appeared in pilgrimage with company of the Saudi police with a view-rate of 160,000 within a few weeks"
*The boycotting of corporate goods imported by Al-‘Ar’ur has spread largely, an example: The Addurra (Al-Durra) Food company –which is the most widely spread in Syria and the most important Syrian source and from the area of ‘Arbein in the countryside of Damascus – many shops are not receiving its products any more since months.
*When Al-‘Ar’ur is on air, there apparently seems what is like a curfew in some areas like ‘hrsta or Doama from the countryside of Damascus as a result of high rate of viewers for him [on air].
*There are townhalls where the pictures of the president have been dropped and replaced with pictures of Al-‘Ar’ur like the townhall of Al’hawulla in the countryside of ‘hmah where they [Al-‘Ar’ur pictures] remained for months.
*The high percentages of viewing to Al-‘Ar’ur videos clarifies that he is a central figure in what happens. An example was the video where he appeared in pilgrimage with company of the Saudi police with a view-rate of 160,000 within a few weeks"
"Credit to A., I'm still just as anonymous