Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fair Trial for Sayf Al-Islam Al-Qadhdhafi

Western and Arab (Saudi and Qatari-funded) media are now repeating the claim that this horrible guy will receive "fair trial" in Libya.  And they quickly supply lies.  Yesterday, they said that his hand was bandaged because he was hurt in NATO bombings.  Today, we learn that his fingers were chopped off by the Bin Ladenite militias running the streets of the country.  But they will provide a fair trial.  Unlike his father who was raped anally, Sayf Al-Islam will be raped anally in the presence of medical experts.  Unlike his father who was tortured, Sayf Al-Islam will be tortured in the presence of experts in torture.  Unlike his father who was shot repeatedly by gang members, Sayf Al-Islam will be short repeatedly and bandaged immediately.  Welcome to the new democracy that NATO set up for Arabs in Libya.