Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where are the Iran expert to speak out?

Where are all the Iran experts to speak out? Where are even the expert on the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to speak out now?  This is not about politics: no one is speaking of defense of the lousy Iranian regime on either side of the debate but this could be another "Maine" moment in US history: just remember what William Randolph Hearst did with the issue of the Maine?  There are people who want to take this country to another war, and certainly on behalf of Israel.  People who have scant knowledge of Iranian affairs should be able to dismiss the crazy plot scenario being advanced by the US government.  People should speak out not out of political considerations but out of respect for the true knowledge of the Middle East.  At least do what the publisher of `Abdul-Bari `Atwan wrote this morning in his paper, Al-Quds Al-`Arabi: to express skepticism because we have been lied to before by the US government in order to prepare the country to war.