Sunday, October 16, 2011

Robert Ford and Wayne Madsen

Wayne Madsen can really be one of the kooky conspiracy theorists out there. Some of the stuff that people send me by him are just outrageously ridiculous.  Look at this one: he is claiming that US ambassador in Syria, Robert Ford, is recruiting young people to join "Arab death squads".  How crazy is that?  Hizbullah media love this kind of crazy (unreliable) stuff and promote those claims, as they also promote the writings of Franklin Lamb and Thierry Meyssan.  Now don't get me wrong: Robert Ford is walking on the footsteps of Jeffrey Feltman: in that he too is ambitious and is building his career by ingratiating himself with the fanatical Zionists of Washington, DC.  He took time from his busy schedule in Damascus yesterday and talked to the AIPAC's research arm, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.  His comments on Syria are never insightful but he does read the English language newspapers and reproduces what he reads.  The last time a US ambassador (or high ranking diplomat) in Syria spoke Arabic or read it, was Christopher Ross.  Mark my words: the next assignment for Ross won't be in an Arab capital: he will be recalled to serve in a policy making position at the State Department.  Zionists are very pleased with him, and that suffices in Middle East policy making. (thanks Nir)