Wednesday, October 12, 2011

May 17 Agreement: in your dreams, o Zionist hoodlums

I was reading the text of the May 17 Agreement: the humiliating treaty that Israel imposed on Lebanon in 1983 (of course, it was later tossed into the garbage where all peace treaties with Israel belongs).  In article 4, it says that each party will prevent any one from "organizing, instigating, assisting, or participating in threats or acts of belligerency, subversion, or incitement or any aggression directed against the other Party, its population or property, both within its territory and originating therefrom, or in the territory of the other Party."  Article 5 is even worse: "the Parties will abstain from any form of hostile propaganda against each other." In your dream, o Zionist hoodlums.  In your dreams.  See the text in The Arab-Israeli Conflict by Gregory Mahler and Alden Mahler.