Tuesday, October 04, 2011

killing `Awlaki: the range of hypothetical scenarios

Take Johny Taliban: the white man from Marin County who was fighting with the Taliban (and probably with Al-Qa`idah but his wealthy family's lawyer were able to erase Al-Qa`idah from the record) in Afghanistan in 2003, and was later excepted from the "enemy combatant" treatment that was accorded to non-white Taliban and Al-Qa`idah fighters found in Afghanistan.  Do you think that a US president would ever dare to kill a white American (Christian or Jewish) from Marin County in faraway land?  Can you imagine the uproar?  This American Taliban guy is more guilty than `Awlaki if you measure it by the actual violence inflicted (`Awlaki spread violent messages).   I have no doubt that the killing of `Alwaki will only confirm to Arabs and Muslims that the US employs "tools"--as Dick Cheney calls them--in the fight "against terrorism" that are reserved for Arabs/Muslims.  No US president will ever order the killing of a US citizen who is not Muslim, no matter what he has done.

PS Also, how many Americans know that this `Alawki guy has been in the White House.  Hell, no Arab I know has been in the White House, but this guy has been?  What are the worst people in the world of terrorism seem to have a past of links with US government?